Slowness, Serenity, and Squiggy

Slowness, Serenity, and Squiggy

Godde grant me the serenity.

To accept the things, I cannot change.

Courage to change the things I can.

And wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time.

Enjoying one moment at a time.

Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace.

Taking, as they did, this sinful world.

As it is, not as I would have it.

Trusting that They will make all things right.

If I surrender to Their Will.

So that I may be reasonably happy in this life

And supremely happy with them Forever and ever in the next.

[Side notes about pronouns. I believe Godde is Godde. Omniscient. Amazing. Loving. Creator. Lover. The list goes on. It seems disrespectful to call Godde “it”.  Godde, for me, is so much bigger than a binary choice. And to say Godde is male is limiting. It is equally limiting to say Godde is female. Godde is. I am trying out the plural pronouns because it seems more accurate for the Godde I am getting to know. To be clear – I do not think Godde cares about their pronouns.]

The first part of the serenity prayer is well known, particularly to anyone in a 12-step program. But the second half was equally reassuring.

I remember reading The Road Less Traveled and the beginning line, “Life is hard.” Through the years that one sentence has stuck with me. I thought M. Scott Peck was being a little melodramatic in my twenties. However, with age comes wisdom, and I now realize there is no “perfect” anything. Life is messy and that is OK.

This morning, I woke up and these four statements presented themselves:

  • Fred is gone.
  • Squiggy is gone.
  • I am here.
  • I have a job.

Fred is my husband whose graduation date into new life is on March 10th.

Squiggy is my cat, who at the time of this writing has gone AWOL and has been missing for the past 48 hours. I am exhausted, hungry (I cannot eat), and just wish this tailless Houdini of mine would come home.

I was enraged that Godde would let Squiggy get out at the same time I was mentally preparing myself for honoring my husband and dealing with any feelings that bubbled up around his suicide.

What was odd, is despite the worry and anxiety (which I know does not serve), I was not a complete and total basket case. Progress!

Then I had these thoughts this morning. Clear statements of my reality. I then did an amazing meditation led by Sebene Salassie around hope. One nugget I took away in this meditation, was to replace letting go with letting it be. A word, but a pretty significant distinction, she explained. I had to sit with that for a minute or two.

Not to mention the songs Let it Be and Imagine are ones I pray with – often.

So, I sat and meditated. With each exhalation, inviting myself to breathe into that phrase – let it be.

And then I got it. If I allow myself to be hijacked by fear, anxiety, and worry – I cannot live in peace. This is not a blissed-out, I am one with the universe kind of experience. This is my cat is gone and I am afraid for him and anxious that I will never see him again. But I do not have to let it disturb how I show up. I do not have to let it steal my joy and inner peace. I can sit and be at ease with all the emotions – just by stating them directly and honoring that this is hard. This is huge – for me. I am realizing old dogs can learn new tricks. Progress!

Then, Teresa of Avila showed up in the mix tape that is my mind and reminded me:

Let nothing disturb you.

Let nothing frighten you.

All things are passing away:

Godde never changes.

Patience obtains all things.

Whoever has Godde lacks nothing.

Godde alone suffices.

Suffice it to say, as a teacher, a week before spring break, and being a caretaker to a willful cat who wants to roam, I did not fast much from anything this week. I know, in A Different Kind of Fast, I was being invited to fast from speed and rushing and embrace slowness and pausing this third week of Lent. Thankfully, next week is spring break and I have set aside time for Godde and I to hang out. I am looking forward to our time together.

Amen & Namaste

3 Responses

  1. Sarita Melkon Maldjian says:

    Hello Terry,

    First, I will be thinking of you tomorrow as your mourn. I am praying for peace.
    Second, your dear cat will return, your husband will bring Squiggy back to you, I pray.
    Third, Peck’s “The Road Less Traveled” is my favorite book so your post resonated with me again. Thank you!
    Fourth, please eat, WOC needs you and so does the Catholic Church. Plus, when Squiggy returns, you will need energy to celebrate.
    Lastly, please keep writing, your posts speak to us all, especially me. Let us know when Squiggy returns so we can be at peace, too. (my children and I are guinea pig rescuers and I am an animal rights activist so I feel your pain). Many blessings, Sarita

    • Therese (Terry) Schultz says:


      Thank you for your kind words – and as you will learn – Squiggy did return and I know it was my husband. I know he wanted me to have a happy memory of this day and I appreciated his gift.

      Guinea pigs – they are so cute! I’ve considered one – but I have my hands full with two cats and a dog:)

      Peace for your journey:) Thank you for reading.

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