Author: Robert Shine

December 21st, 2019

Pope Francis’ Missing Miriam

Pope Francis’ gift to Catholics this Christmas is his new apostolic letter on the Nativity scene, Admirabile Signum. It is quite moving. Francis says the crèche “never ceases to arouse amazement and wonder” and is “like a living Gospel,” and dives into reflections on the varied elements of these scenes. Among these elements, Francis acknowledges,…
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September 7th, 2019

The Banal Evil of Clericalism

Are our bishops men with poor, even malicious intentions? Is that why abuse and corruption have flourished? Not quite. Acknowledging this reality does not excuse their countless moral and, at times, criminal failings. But to solve a problem, it must be accurately diagnosed. The philosopher Hannah Arendt’s concept of the “banality of evil” seems fitting:…
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August 3rd, 2019

A Transgender Catholic and Resigned Priest, Loved By God

[Editors’ note: A version of this article was first published on New Ways Ministry’s blog, Bondings 2.0, on July 22.] Last year, Pope Francis deemed July 22nd as a feast day for St. Mary Magdalene. But for years before his decree, advocates for women’s equality in the church have celebrated this “Apostle to the Apostles”…
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July 31st, 2018

Learning Patience in an Interim Time

Transition periods are unpleasant, to say the least. Shifting from what came before to what is to come is often a circuitous path without visible markers. Some transitions are abrupt and bring their own difficulties, but many transitions linger with us. In these slow transitions, we break from the past without quite propelling into the…
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July 28th, 2018

Honoring the Feminist Archbishop

Few church leaders embraced Vatican II like Archbishop Raymond Hunthausen, who as a young bishop attended all four conciliar sessions and returned to the U.S. with a prophetic vision for implementing the Council’s teachings. Sadly, he passed away earlier this week at age 96. Hunthausen advocated for oppressed persons everywhere. He protested nuclear weapons as…
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