Le Temps (France): Lentement, l’Eglise catholique se féminise (Slowly, the Catholic Church is becoming more feminine)

Le Temps (France): Lentement, l’Eglise catholique se féminise (Slowly, the Catholic Church is becoming more feminine)

The pontiff carefully examines the badge hanging from a lady’s neck. She managed to find her way to Francis, seated at one of the many round tables set up in the Paul VI Hall at the Vatican. She whispers a word in his ear. Other women, countless, young and old, secular and religious, surround the pope. Two men and their red skullcaps are relegated to the edge of the frame of this stolen photograph. “La Iglesia es mujer,” Francis said on Wednesday October 25 during an improvised speech in his mother tongue. “The Church is woman”: this formula takes shape on Saturday at the conclusion of the Synod on synodality.

See the article (in French) here.