World Day of Prayer for Women’s Ordination 2022

On March 25, the Feast of the Annunciation, we celebrate the World Day of Prayer for Women’s Ordination, when we honor Mary’s “yes” to God to bear Christ for the world and celebrate the women who courageously say “yes, I am called” to priestly ministry.

This year, our World Day of Prayer falls on the same day as a parallel event hosted by WOC at the UN Commission on the Status of Women, with the theme of “Climate Justice, Gender Justice, and the Catholic Church” (register to attend here). As we work to dismantle oppression in all forms, we recognize that climate justice IS gender justice. The effects of climate change are felt most by women, and women are leading the way in charting creative solutions to the climate crisis. In the same way, women’s prophetic leadership is leading the way to creating much-needed change within Church structures. This year, as we pray for women’s ordination, we recognize its deep connection to care for creation.

This year’s prayer:

Loving Creator, 

You call forth the gifts of the natural world in their wondrous, startling diversity. 

You call forth the gifts of all genders to serve as priests to your people.

For too long, we have allowed the sin of patriarchy to wreak havoc on Your creation and Your people. 

And witnessed the harm of systems that name creation as lesser than people

And some people as lesser than others. 

Jesus, born through the empowered yes of Mary, 

Give us the courage born of love to reject anything

That denies God’s caress in all creation

 And God’s image in every person. 

Holy Spirit, 

You empower women with Your fierce creativity

To save our church

To save our earth. 

May we boldly recognize and ordain their leadership and their priesthood.

As co-creators with You, we pray. 


Please join ordination justice advocates around the world as we pray together, and show your support on social media with the following tweets: