Vocation Awareness Week 2021

Vocation Awareness Week 2021

This week is what the U.S. Bishops call “National Vocation Awareness Week,” and we’re here to help.

While we at the Women’s Ordination Conference are plenty aware of the vibrant and valid vocations of women and non-binary people in the Catholic Church, many of our brothers in Christ have yet to embrace the Good News.

We invite you to print or download the infographic below to send to your bishop. We would also normally suggest you send a copy to your local vocations director, but the official website is mysteriously down today…

If the @USCCB wants to deepen their awareness of vocations, they can start by opening the door to the women and non-binary people ready to lead. #OrdainWomen #NationalVocationAwarenessWeek Click to Tweet!

Just like the male priests you know, women and non-binary people prayerfully discern a vocation to the priesthood. #NationalVocationAwarenessWeek #OrdainWomen Click to Tweet!

Claiming there is a “priest shortage” while denying generations of women and non-binary people ordination is willful ignorance, and shameful. #OrdainWomen #NationalVocationAwarenessWeek Click to Tweet!