Take our Survey!

Take our Survey!

As part of a year-long research project, we’re seeking survey responses from people who identify as Catholic women in the U.S. between the ages of 21-40, who have completed or are pursuing an advanced degree in theology.If this describes you, or someone you know, please use or share the following survey link to help us continue our research. The survey should take just 10 minutes.

Survey link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/mwmwoc

The premise of this project, which we’re calling “Mainstreaming Women’s Ministries,” is that to create a viable and vibrant future, the Roman Catholic Church must find ways to mainstream instead of marginalize the ministries of women so that parishes throughout North America may be nourished by the leadership and gifts of women.

We seek to give voice to the stories of women who are called to ministry and the paths of formation they pursue. We will explore opportunities available to women; barriers, both perceived and tangible; and support currently available to discerning women. We will situate this in the larger context of the Catholic ministerial landscape within the U.S. and examine whether the “status quo” is institutionally or spiritually sustainable.

You can help us in this research by taking this 10-minute survey or sharing it with someone you know. Thank you!