Votes for Catholic Women News Round-up

Votes for Catholic Women News Round-up

Reuters: Vatican ‘suffragettes’ want vote, change, in a man’s Church

Huffington Post: Catholic Activists Demand Women’s Voting Rights At Major Vatican Meeting

RSI: Voto alle donne cattoliche. Progetto Dialogue en route. Scisma ortodosso

National Catholic Reporter: Knock, Knock! Who’s There? More than Half the Church 

New York Times: Vatican Faces Modern-Day Suffragists, Demanding Right to Vote

CBC: Catholic women bring voting rights fight to the gates of key Vatican conference

Voice of America: Women in Catholic Church Call for Change

Il Post: Le donne che stanno provando a cambiare il Sinodo dei vescovi

Nederlandsdagblad: Kate McElwee: Wijding van vrouwelijke diakens in Rooms-Katholieke Kerk niet langer taboe

New Yorker: Lucetta Scaraffia Is Trying to Fight Catholic Patriarchy from the Inside

National Catholic Reporter: After brief embrace from prelates, activists clash with Italian police

National Public Radio: Vatican’s Meeting of Bishops is Overshadowed by Abuse Allegations

Crux: Around Synod of Bishops, women press for greater space

Fakty o Świecie TVN24 BiSSynod w cieniu protestów (Synod in the shadow of protests)

New Ways Ministry: Outside Synod of Bishops, Feminist Catholics Call for Solidarity Between LGBT Communities and Catholic Women

National Catholic Reporter: Catholic Women Speak network calls for church reform, focus on women

Crux: Groups feeling excluded tell Synod of Bishops to ‘close shop or get real’

Vocevangelica:Il Sogno di Kate McElwee (Kate McElwee’s Dream)

New Vision (AFP):Sex: The elephant in the room at the Vatican youth synod

Katholisches medienzentrum: Proteste waehrend der jugendsynode (Women’s protests during the youth synod)