St. Francis Day of Action – Friday, October 4, 2013

St. Francis Day of Action – Friday, October 4, 2013

Please tweet Pope Francis and members of hierarchy on Friday, October 4, the Feast of St. Francis, and let them know you support the ordination of women in Roman Catholic Church.

It’s time to create a truly collaborative relationship with women in the church, just as St. Francis did with St. Clare. Taking action is easy! Simply tweet one of the following or write your own.

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"Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible & suddenly you are doing the impossible" StFrancis of Assisi #ordainwomen @Pontifex

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"I have been all things unholy. If God can work through me, God can work through anyone." St Francis of Assisi #ordainwomen @Pontifex @USCCB

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Need to "investigate further the role of women in the church"? #ordainwomen @Pontifex @USCCB #fem2

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"È necessario ampliare gli spazi di una presenza femminile più incisiva nella Chiesa." #ordainwomen #fem2

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"A new balance" for the #Catholic church? Include women in significant ways #ordainwomen #fem2 @Pontifex @CardinalSean

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"Thinking with the Church?" @Pontifex? Ask a woman. #ordainwomen #fem2 @CardinalSean @Cardinal_Wuerl

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On the Feast of St. Francis, let us remember his peer, St. Clare @Pontifex @CardinalDolan @CardinalSean #ordainwomen

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Happy Feast Day @Pontifex! Who is St. Francis w/o St. Clare? #ordainwomen @CardinalSean

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La Chiesa è la totalità del popolo di Dio? #ordainwomen @Pontifex @CardinalSean @Cardinal_Wuerl #fem2

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