Ministry of Walking With Women Called

The purpose of the Ministry of Walking with Women Called is to support and provide resources for Catholic women discerning their call to ordination into an inclusive and accountable Catholic church, for women who experience a call and are discerning how to proceed, and for women in an ordination formation process.

Furthermore, this Ministry strives to prepare a base of women who are skilled, active in ministry, and ready to serve in priestly ministry once the hierarchy reinstates the tradition of women’s ordination.

WOC recognizes that there are many and varied situations in which women called to ordination find themselves.  Some are currently active ministers in the official structures of the Roman Catholic Church, while others minister in a variety of unofficial ways.  WOC believes that all are entitled to full confidentiality, and pledges to guarantee that to all who participate.

Through the Ministry of Walking with Women Called, WOC:

  • Sponsors and promotes events that affirm women’s call
  • Provides a forum to discuss and develop vision for a renewing and inclusive priestly ministry by creating a resource the National Catholic Ministerial Alliance
  • Connects women called through an online community specifically for women called with discussion topics and networking opportunities
  • Promotes resources about certification programs where women can be certified to minister and provide services at wedding ceremonies, anniversary celebrations, funerals, and other special occasions.
  • Connects women with spiritual directors in their discernment process