Local Leaders Network

The Local Leaders Network of the Women’s Ordination Conference is a community that works to enact women’s equality in our church. Through friendship, witness, action, and media outreach, Local Leaders are at the heart of WOC’s vision. We know that real renewal in the church will come from Catholics organizing together in their communities. Whether it’s raising pink smoke outside your Cathedral, hosting a feminist liturgy, or sharing a cup of tea with WOC members, Local Leaders make WOC stronger! 

Will you be a Local Leader in our movement? We need your creative energy and vision to expand WOC’s visibility and impact! As a local leader, you will have opportunities to organize with others to:

  • amplify WOC through social media;
  • pray together and build community in teams;
  • and act prophetically for women’s equality.

There’s something for everybody in this movement, and we are in this struggle together with you for the long haul. So we want you to take on activities that truly nourish you and bring you joy.  Contact us: woc@womensordination.org