Andrea Johnson

“As a former ED of WOC, who was at the helm when WOC introduced the initiative in Gmunden, Austria, to form the international alliance Women’s Ordination Worldwide in 1996, I am proud to stand with WOC as a leading force in the international campaign for full equality for women in church and society. Women’s Ordination has always been a linchpin for bringing that about. As a bishop in Roman Catholic Womenpriests-USA, and representative to the RCWP-USA Board of Directors from the Bishops’ Circle, I plan to continue to bring to the fore in RCWP the indispensable connection between the missions of the two organizations. WOC (and WOW) continue to lead the campaigning effort, while the women priests lead the actualization and modeling effort. Both arms are essential to bringing about the change that needs to take root and grow – increase and multiply –  if we are to be faithful witnesses to the gospel of justice and peace.”